Ana just reading through of a book(not finished yet) that ana got for free from a convention by Peoplelogy Group last year. The title is I Walked The Dollar writed by Dr. Saiful Bahari. This book drawing attention from ana as it teach readers how to become a good salesperson. Not to teach the readers to become a salesman, but teach them to be a good communicator, customers friendly and to make a sale from product that they want to sell.
In the early stage of this book is about the criteria of a person that wanted to become a salesperson. First step is the need of a person to belive in himself and his ability. As in the book said,"There are no one more influential in your life than you". We always heard that we are our own worst enemy as we always be sorround by our's negetive thought when we want to do something. Learn how to overcome this internal negativity and fears is what seperate already successful person and want to be successful person.
Want to be salaesperson must have a strong will power, energy and desire to succeed. Sometimes a person will attacked by his or external negative thought that can push his passon in doing something to go down. This three driving factor careteristics will push the people towards his objective and keep reminding them. They also must be focused with what they want to achieve to keep them working towards it. Asking ourself about what it is that we want in this life and how long would like to achieve it. Target must be realistic to prevent disappoinment. Lot of people tend to get tired and losing will power as their target was too high and the time set was unrealistic.
Product remains a important criteria in selling activity. So when we want to sell a product, keep to believe in the product that we want to sell. How can people will want to buy the product if the seller didn't believe in the product he represent. Believing in the product means we know the product, good and bad sides. Be a constant student and patient also important step to be a good salesman. Keep on updating and studying a new aspect and way to represent the product and ourself. Don't rush into making a sale if there are mental roadblocks between us and our prospect, they had to be respected.
Sekadar Renungan=)
Firman Allah Taala bermaksud: Sesungguhnya Allah dan malaikatNya berselawat (memberi segala penghormatan dan kebaikkan) kepada Nabi (Muhammad S.A.W), wahai orang-orang yang beriman, berselawatlah kamu kepadanya serta ucapkanlah salam sejahtera dengan penghormatan yang sepenuhnya. (Surah al-Ahzab: ayat 56).
Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W. bermaksud: Demi jiwaku berada di bawah kekuasaan Allah, seseorang kamu tidak beriman sehinggalah dia mencintaiku (Rasulullah S.A.W) lebih daripada kecintaannya kepada anaknya, ayahnya dan manusia keseluruhannya. (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).
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